2021 Digital and Financial Inclusion Summit – Keynote & Panel discussions

Posted on December 3, 2021

2021 Digital and Financial Inclusion Summit – Keynote & Panel discussions



A Ugandan Instant and Inclusive Payment System powered by Mojaloop – the case of a licensed Ugandan aggregator.

On 10th Dec 2021, don’t miss this Keynote by Ronald Azairwe, MD, Pegasus Technologies at the 8th Digital and Financial Inclusion Summit!

  1. FINANCIAL SYSTEMS FOR THE POORAn African continent where poor people, especially women, can capture opportunities and build resilience through financial services. The Ugandan point of view!
  • Digital cash transfers in the time of Covid 19, how have we faired?
  • What opportunities and considerations are available for inclusion and empowerment of everyone especially the women?
  • How do we help poor people strengthen their livelihoods? Get quick affordable loans that boost them financially, enable them to register their businesses officially with the government, get business locations with affordable rent and also buy more merchandise or stock and be able to employ other youth?
  • How do financial services providers collaborate to develop sustainable business models for low-income customers? (Open APIs models, PAYGo Solar, What should Digital Ecosystems contain?)
  • How do we ensure that poor people can protect their gains and seize opportunities from the small activities or business they run? (Speaking Data Privacy, Consumer Protection, managing customer outcomes, expectations and regulations, regulating KPIs)
  • How do we as an economy meet the Challenge of COVID-19 (for  the Microfinance Sector, Impact on Livelihoods, DFS Policies, and for Building Digital Rails that work)

  • GENDER GAP STATUS IN FINANCIAL ACCESSWhat is the status of the Gender Gap in Financial Access?

The new reality of COVID-19 is putting women’s empowerment and gender equality at risk.

  • What is the gender gap picture in official identification (ID)?
  • How do we make use of frameworks and resources such as the Level One Project to place women at the center of financial inclusion advocacy (Which platforms work, what social norms are hindering progress?)
  • What has changed in the gender gap in mobile phone ownership over the last three years? How do we ease women’s onboarding?
  • How do we design and leverage official identification systems for building winning identify programs and contribute to closing the gender gap in this space?
  • There is insufficient gender data and analysis to inform decisions, how do we improve this status?
  • Why are women at higher risk of exclusion from scaled-up cash transfer response to COVID-19?
  • INSTANT AND INCLUSIVE PAYMENT SYSTEMS (IIPS)How do we build National Instant And Inclusive Payments Systems?
  • What direction should policymakers put in place to rapidly scale-up instant and inclusive payments?
  • How do we build a regulatory sandbox to support IIPS? Why Set Up a one? And how do we design one leveraging Level One Project Principles?
  • Most e-money accounts focus on payments, with limited savings, credit, or insurance offerings associated with them. How do we improve this using a scaled IIPS approach?
  • What public private partnerships should participants put in place to achieve IIPS? (Working with local governments, NGO networks and associations)
  • How do we reduce transaction costs and strengthen interoperability across digital financial service providers?
  • How does government support in creation of broader agent networks and more convenient cash-in/cash-out (CICO) points across all DFSPs and PISPs? Do we need this as a market?
  • What incentivizes should be put in place to accelerate electronic payments acceptance? How do we assess improvement brought by digital money in the country verses the benefits of typical cash system?
  • What alternate digital transfer methods should be available in markets where cellular technology is not widely available, or where women do not have access to affordable mobile phones?


  • Are you better accepting of digital payments?
  • If not, why?
  • Do you have access to affordable digital loans, and which ones?
  • What can be done better to on board more women traders on the formal digital rails?